Social Enterprise a New Venture for PALLS 2016

The Social Enterprise Project is a strategic initiative for PALLS for 2016. With start-up funding from Limerick Regeneration it is proposed to build a viable business in PALLS that will

  • Generate sustainable revenue
  • Create employment
  • Produce quality product meeting identified gaps in the market
  • Build market share and client base
  • Develop import replacement and export potential product lines

It is envisaged that the social dividend resulting from this venture will have significant benefit to the people of Limerick, in particular men who have been involved with the Probation Services and the criminal justice system. The expressed objectives in terms of social impact for the PALLS Social Enterprise Project is that it will:

  • Reduce unemployment in the Limerick region with particular emphasis on male ex-offenders
  • Improve the social capital and employability of male ex-offenders through the provision of real work experience, soft skills development and wrap-around supports
  • Meet an identified gap in the progression options for male ex-offenders in Limerick
  • Maximise the potential of the PALLS Training Centre for the social and economic benefit of the men who engage with PALLS and the community at large

The Board of Management of PALLS believe that the social enterprise project comes at an opportune time in the development of PALLS and is an important programme change that has been initiated in response to an identified need and a consultative strategic planning process.