Restorative Justice in PALLSEach year the men in PALLS engage in a number of projects that facilitate giving back to their community. In the past men from PALLS have participated in the Northstar Family Support Project Commemoration on Hope Ceremony by building props for the service. PALLS participants have also made wooden bowls and plates that were sold to raise much needed funds for Milford Hospice in Limerick.

In 2015 the men in PALLS undertook four projects the largest and most impressive being the construction of a large wooden gazebo and garden furniture for the newly opened Brother Russell House in Limerick city which was coordinated by project worker Jerry Roche.

24 men from Brother Russell House and PALLS joined forces to construct this magnificent structure which now sits in the garden of the Brother Russell Centre

In November 2015 the men from Brother Russell House again joined forces with the men from PALLS to repair the wooden furniture from the garden in St Camillus Hospital. 3 men from Dial House Residential Service joined the crew and restored the existing furniture from the hospital to its former glory, while also making new work benches for the patients to use.

In January 2016 this group built a new gazebo this time for Dial House Residential Centre.

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