Community Support Scheme {CSS}
Community Support Scheme {CSS}
The Community Support Scheme (CSS) was set up in PALLS in September 2014 in conjunction with the Irish Prison Service. The Community Support Scheme (CSS) is a structured form of temporary release for prisoners doing a sentence of 3months- 364 days. The CSS was set up to reduce prison overcrowding and to reduce recidivism rates amongst short term prisoners.
Together, the prison link worker and ISM officer in Limerick prison jointly assess a prisoner’s suitability for the scheme highlighting any risk factors associated with their release and developing a client centred care plan in conjunction with the prisoner.
If approved of temporary release to the CSS programme, the individual is supported with their reintegration back into the community and linked in with relevant services to support them with their ancillary needs. Referrals are made by the Irish prison service to the Community Support Scheme programme. If a prisoner is approved for release they will work with their appointed Community Support Worker in PALLS to support them with their journey into desistance.